YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.04.09)


鏘鏘鏘!!!本週六的YZU Toastmasters Meeting 我們要玩賓果遊戲喲!

本會的女神Vivy Liu 將會擔任總主持(Toastmasters of the Day),她說正在加拿大渡假的Jennifer Lu 令她想起她在加國玩Bingo 遊戲的經驗。Vivy 會來跟我們介紹加拿大的賓果遊戲,還會一邊帶我們一起玩喔!本週六下午請大家呼朋引友,一起帶來玩吧!

Let's play BINGO game this Saturday during the meeting!!!!

Our goddess-like TMD, Vivy Liu, will host the meeting and the game at the same time. She said our member, Jennifer Lu, is spending her vacation in Canada. This reminds her of her experience in playing BINGO in Canada. Vivy will share the Bingo game experience with us. Come and bring your friends to the meeting and play with us this Saturday afternoon.

Tentative Agenda:

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