YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.03.26)


清明節將近,習俗上人們會到墓地掃墓,以紀念逝去的親人或所愛的人。清明節那天你可有悼念哪一位親友嗎?我們的總主持人Bernie Hsieh 邀請大家來參加本週的例會,談談已故親友的故事。

本次例會將有四位來自sister clubs的TM 前來支援:Andrew Chen (新竹分會)、Elmo Chiu (桃園分會)、Helen Ding (中壢分會)以及Douglas Teng (中壢分會),在此獻上誠摯的謝意與感激,讓我們熱情的歡迎他們的到來!!


Tomb Sweeping Festival is coming soon.  It is a special day for people to visit gravesites and honor the memory of their deceased loved ones.  Is there anyone you mourn for on Tomb Sweeping Festival? Our Toastmasters of the Day, Bernie Hsieh, would like to invite you to join our meeting and tell us more about his or her story.

In this meeting, we're very pleased to have 4 VIP guests from our sisters clubs.  They are Andrew Chen (Hsinchu Club), Elmo Chiu (Taoyuan Club), Helen Ding (Chungli Club) and Douglas Teng (Chungli Club).  Let's roll out the red carpet and extend our warm welcome to them!

We're looking forward to seeing you this Saturday afternoon!

 Tentative Agenda:

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