YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.04.23)
酷愛攝影的Rojer Chen,今年給自己的生日禮物是一台新相機,相機就如 同他的第三眼,透過相機,他對世界有各種不同角度的詮釋 。本次的例會Rojer Chen將擔任我們的總主持人(Toastmaster s of the Day),主題就是「攝影」,如果你是"攝影控",或是 喜歡欣賞美美攝影作品的人,一定不要錯過Rojer主持 的例會喔!
Rojer Chen, who takes photography as his lifetime hobby, bought a new camera as his birthday gift recently. His camera is his third eye. Through the camera, he sees the world from different perspectives. Rojer is going to be our Toastmasters of the Day on April 23. Our meeting theme is "photography". If you're interested in photography, or you like to see beautiful photos, please do not miss Rojer's meeting.
Tentative Agenda: