YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.02.27)
本次例會(2/27) 的主持人是Vicky Huang,她主持過的Sessions 常都做得有聲有色,這次挑起 總主持人(Toastmasters of the Day)大樑,超令大家期待!她的meeting theme 是Food,她要邀大家來談談自己最喜歡的食物或餐廳,趕快來參加這次令人食指大動的"盛宴"喔!
Are you a vegetarian? Or without meat, you aren't happy in every meal? What gourmet cuisine have you ever tasted? Our Toastmasters of the Day, Vicky Huang, would like to invite you to join our "feast" this time. Please tell us your favorite food or restaurant.
In this meeting, we're honored to have Jack Tsai, former District Governor and YZU Charter President, join our meeting. Also, we'd like to extend our warm welcome and special thanks to Josh Yang (Legend), Illona Chuang (Chungli), and Ted Lai (Linkou). They will come support us as the General Evaluator, the Guest Speaker and the Individual Evaluator, respectively.
We're looking forward to seeing you this Saturday afternoon!
Wendy 家地圖:
Tentative Agenda: