圓夢今朝 躍登群山
- 超過一百五十位的貴賓將從亞洲各地及美國來到。今年特別為全台的中文會舉辦第五屆 華夏風情(冠中冠)邀請賽,將由七個大區佼佼者來決定誰是今年的冠軍!
- 為了歡迎這些外賓我們特別商請前世界總會長顏瑛宗(傑出會員)主持世界論壇,找出世界的新希望,新脈動。
- 雖然我們尚未登出今年的主講者,但是可以保證到時一定可以讓你驚喜,他們都是世界未來的脈動推行者,正在排出萬難,來和大家分享,激勵大家。
- 尤其,不要忘了在春季大會前一天,4/29星期五 下午台北火車站,不管你喜歡唱,喜歡跳,或是來參加嘉年華,一定要趕快報名--特別為你—主辦的快閃!
今年的快閃,是世界演講會第一次,與民歌40 同一制作團隊,所以品質一定優良。民歌有600萬點閱率,我們也可以來推廣我們最棒的演講會。
難忘!難忘!20年後你翻看今年的 Youtube, 是否會甜蜜的微笑?真的!終於我是那個最棒的我,曾經擁有我該擁有的!友情!青春!這個終生學習的場所,因為你,Toastmasters,讓我發光發熱。
Dear Fellow Toastmasters and Guests,
Dream Big, Conquer the World!
Waiting for 60 years, finally we will arrive at Grand Hotel, the landmark of Taipei for our 2016 Spring Conference this year.
This year, we have a few very special features of conference
-not just a five-star hotel *****
-not just contests and workshops
-not just world famous speakers
-not just to see old friends
1. We will have
150 guests from Asian 7 districts and US come to celebrate with us
2. We will have
A special “International Forum in charge by our past international president, George Yen, DTM to lead us – “Why Toastmasters”
3. We also will have a special “Flash Mob” on April 29 at Taipei Main station.
A production you will be proud of. This event will be in your memory and will be kept on YouTube.
20 years later, I hope you will say: Toastmasters is my lifelong partner.
Even though we will have approximately 1,000 registrants for the event, but for reducing the high cost, only 500 will be able to register for Saturday’s banquet dinner, so please sign up soon!
For registration, click here: Spring Conference Registration