YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.01.23)
The weather forecast said that a cold stream will cross Taiwan this weekend. Temperature could drop as low as 6 degrees. Because the weather will be cold and moisturous, there will be a chance of snow in the mountains, even at Yangmingshan.
People in Taiwan never experience snowing in Winter time, except in the high mountain areas. To experience snowing is very rare and precious.
Have you ever seen snow? Do you like snowing? Please share with us about your experience with snow. If you have a photo, please share it with us. If you have never seen snow, do you hope to take a trip to see snow some day? Where would you like to go?
Let's all come to YZU Toastmasters Club this Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. You are very welcome to join the meeting. Toastmaster of the day, Ivy Chen, invites you to share your very special experiences with snow. Maybe it would be very cold outside on Saturday, but with our participation, we will fill the meeting room with warm atmosphere, joy and laughters.
誠摯歡迎大家來參加這星期六的YZU Toastmasters Meeting,分享您看雪的經驗, 或是想去哪裏看雪,如果你有賞雪的照片或是有雪景美麗的 照片,請傳給Ivy Chen。例會總主持人Ivy Chen會準備在德國買的瑞士蓮巧克力與熱咖啡與茶,與 大家分享喔! (呵呵....點心飲品數量有限,儘請提早來會場哈拉! )
People in Taiwan never experience snowing in Winter time, except in the high mountain areas. To experience snowing is very rare and precious.
Have you ever seen snow? Do you like snowing? Please share with us about your experience with snow. If you have a photo, please share it with us. If you have never seen snow, do you hope to take a trip to see snow some day? Where would you like to go?
Let's all come to YZU Toastmasters Club this Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. You are very welcome to join the meeting. Toastmaster of the day, Ivy Chen, invites you to share your very special experiences with snow. Maybe it would be very cold outside on Saturday, but with our participation, we will fill the meeting room with warm atmosphere, joy and laughters.
誠摯歡迎大家來參加這星期六的YZU Toastmasters Meeting,分享您看雪的經驗,
Tentative Agenda: