YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.01.09)


新年快樂!1/9是我們2016 年第一次的例會,歡迎大家來參加。本次例會的Toastmasters of the Day 是Div. E Christmas Party 的大紅人,也是我們YZU Toastmasters Club 的資深會員 Bernie Hsieh,他出的meeting theme是屬季節限定題目--新年一定要問的:What's your new year resolution? 你的新年願望是什麼呢?又有多少是從去年搬到今年來做的呢?(呵呵)請大家在本周五前將自己的答案私訊給 Bernie 喔!

Happy New Year!  We'll hold our first Toastmasters Meeting on 1/9.  Our Toastmasters of the Day will be Bernie Hsieh, who was the fair-haired boy in Div. E Christmas Party and is also our senior member.  His meeting theme is New Year Resolution.  What is your New Year resolution?  Please come share with us.

Tentative Agenda:

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