YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2015.11.28)


本週六(11/28) 大家要記得去Toastmasters Fall Conference喔!如果你無法去,那就來參加YZU Toastmasters Meeting吧!

本次的Toastmasters of the Day是我們的旅遊達人Vivy Liu,她才剛從吳哥窟回來(是二度蜜月嗎?XDD),她邀請每位assignment taker & guest 來談談自己的旅遊趣事。

請每位meeting 參加者在本週五前將一張自己的旅遊照片私訊給Vivy,會中她會發給你們一份從緬甸來的小禮物!

Our senior member, Vivy Liu, is a travel expert.  She's been many places in the world.  In the upcoming meeting, she'd like to invite everybody to talk about his or her favorite holiday trip.  Please bring a photo of your own that shows us where you've been and what has happened during the trip.

Also, we're very happy to have 5 speakers this time.  Four of them share one thing in common.  That is, they have the same last name--Chen!  What a coincident!  There's another thing that amuses us: We have two "Vicky Huang" serve as the Timer and Ah-counter on the evaluation team.  Ha-ha, good things always come in pairs!  There's something more to amuse us in the meeting.  Please come join us and have fun together this Saturday afternoon. 

Tentative Agenda:

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