YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2015.11.14)



從小到大,我們遇過無數的人,有些人成了好友,也有好友成為終身伴侶。本次例會的總主持人Dave Yan邀請大家來分享如何選擇朋友、如何鞏固友誼,而你的好朋友又是誰呢?

11/14 例會總主持人(Toastmasters of the Day) 是Dave Yan,Dave 主持節目可是金字招牌的喲!他還曾擔任Toastmasters Conference 的主持人。本週一他一決定接這次例會的主持棒,就寫好他的meeting theme,並主動通知PRVP,讓她能接手做promotion 的部份,這是在這一任期中,首度能把event page於例會前十天開出來!Dave Yan專業負責的態度,真是要給他100 個讚!

When we were students, we made friends with classmates. After graduation, we have jobs. Then, we make friends with colleagues or even our bosses. When we pursue a romantic relationship, we make friends with our Miss Right or Mr. Right.

It’s no doubt that people are influenced by their friends. Good friends can encourage us. Bad friends may mislead us. Our Toastmasters of the Day, Dave Yan, invite you to join our meeting and share your thoughts about how to choose a friend, how to maintain a friendship, and who is your best friend.

Tentative Agenda:

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