YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2015.10.24)


Halloween is coming.  It's one of America's favorite holidays.  Do you feel spooky or playful? Our Toastmasters of the Day, Bernie Hsieh, invites you to join our meeting to learn more about Halloween.  If you want to show up wearing a costume, please do wear it to surprise us!

萬聖節快到囉!這是西洋的鬼節,你覺得毛骨聳然嗎?還是玩心大起呢?本次例會的主持人(Toastmasters of the Day) 是Bernie Hsieh,他邀請大家來學習更多有關萬聖節的文化喲!如果你想要特別裝扮一番出席,也歡迎你這麼做來 "嚇嚇" 大家喔!

Meeting Agenda:

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