YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2015.10.10)
12:2910/24 meeting 的場地已改回元智大學一館囉!請勿走錯。
Our venue for the meeting of 10/24 will be changed back to the 1st Building of Yuan Ze University. Please see us on YZU campus!
前往元智大學的地圖(location map)
本周六(10/10)例會時間,巧遇國慶連續假期,然而熱情的會員,仍然要來參加YZU Toastmasters Meeting,因此我們的例會照常舉行!
原例會場地元智大學教室因連續假期的關係,不對外開放,故移至會員Wendy Song 家社區的豪華視聽室,地址是中壢市長春三路21號(
10/10例會venue 的Google 地圖:
本次的例會為了呼應國慶日,Vivy Lu 想了一個點子,請大家這次盡可能的衣著能有紅色、藍色或白色的國旗色(這三色任一種或任數種皆可),請大家響應這個好玩的dress code。
Meeting Agenda:
1. Dress code: Double Tenth Day is a special day. We'd like to wear something special in the meeting, too, to celebrate our national holiday. You can still wear casual clothes, and you are encouraged to wear something in red, blue or white, or in the combination of these three colors. These colors represent the national flag colors. Let's have fun in our dress code together.
2. Venue change: YZU campus will be closed this weekend due to the long holiday. Our member, Wendy Song, is very generous to let us use the beautiful movie room in her building again. Therefore, the venue for the meeting this time would be 桃園市中壢區長春三路21號 (宜誠登峰社區). The location map is provided above.
Let's learn and have fun together. I look forward to seeing you this Saturday afternoon!