YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2015.07.25)
「星期六就是要Toastmasters,不然要幹嘛?」我 們的資深會員暨Div. E 前總監 Bernie Hsieh 雖然不是泛舟哥,但對參加Toastmasters 活動十分熱愛,每個月第二與第四個週六皆從台北來YZU Toastmasters 報到,五、六年來如一日,這次的meeting中,他就 要出馬擔任總主持人囉!他的meeting theme 是 炎炎夏日中大家最愛的"Swimming"!!
Do you like swimming? What's the longest distance you've ever swum? Assignment takers, please send your answers to our Toastmasters of the Day, Bernie Hsieh, via private FB messages by this Friday.
YZU Toastmasters Meeting
Date: 2015-07-25 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00~4:30pm
Venue: 元智大學一館1102 教室
Meeting theme: Swimming
Meeting Agenda:
Do you like swimming? What's the longest distance you've ever swum? Assignment takers, please send your answers to our Toastmasters of the Day, Bernie Hsieh, via private FB messages by this Friday.
YZU Toastmasters Meeting
Date: 2015-07-25 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00~4:30pm
Venue: 元智大學一館1102 教室
Meeting theme: Swimming
Meeting Agenda: