Meeting Minutes (2017.10.28)


Meeting Minutes on 28 Oct.2017
Minutes taker by Vivy Liu

A warm meeting
We had a warm meeting on last Saturday afternoon, when I say WARM, I don’t mean the air-condition in the room was broken, actually we were in a luxury meeting room (thanks to Wendy). I say WARM, because our host brought her warm smile conduct the meeting; our speakers shared their warm life stories with us; our guests show up with their warm friendship from Longtan, Chungi and Taoyun Toastmasters club.


That was Emily Chan first time to be TMD at YZU club, what a historic moment for our club! I really admire her quick respond between speakers; she always can think of something to fill in the gap, our meeting ran smoothly with her sweet voice.


Sheila擔任單元主持人Word of the day,她分享了美國影集口語像是: I’m done with my work, Kick your ass, pull your shit together,都非常實用。在投影片的使用上做了ㄧ個很好的示範供大家學習: 先顯示片語,再解釋意思,然後請會員唸例句。

Douglas在Variety session帶大家玩了猜字遊戲,幾乎每個人都上台玩了ㄧ輪,大家為了思考謎底注意力非常集中。感謝他把歡樂的氣氛帶入例會中。

We have three speakers in the meeting, C1 speaker Robert, introduce himself with many photos, include carrots and veggies he grew by himself. While he went to England to study, he makes many friends, learn cooking skills from them, and travel around Europe. If you’re also interesting in fanatical investment, do go make friend with Robert, that’s exactly his specialize!

It was our honor to invited guest speaker Jerna Wu from Chungli club to deliver her C6 speech, that’s her first time to give a speech outside of her club, what a historic moment for herself! ” Step out of your comfort zone” that is all of us should learn from her.

She shared her experience about sledding in the snow mountain in Swaziland. ANY THING could happen in there, when you go travel, you’re in an adventure by your own, if something bad happen, you better pull your shit together, and keep going.

C10 speaker Mandy, her speeches were always lead us look into our society (and ourselves) in different angle. (eg,ㄧ隻海洋裡的魚的獨白, 日記與我). This time she pointed out that everybody has responsible for our society about a situation: do you rolling down the window to receive real estate flyers? Would that be your responsibly if the person who give you flyers hit by car?
For Mandy(C10) and Robert(C1) both achieved their milestone in toastmasters journey, congratulations, well done both of you. Yaaaa! Another historic moment for our club!

Bernie 擔任即席演講主持人Table Topic, 他說因為前陣子工作上開會時不順利,令他大怒拍桌,所以今天想問問大家關於公司開會的狀況題。我個人很喜歡這種連貫性的問題,這可以幫助還沒被叫到的人思考,先進入下ㄧ題的狀況裡。

桃園會友James的回答很妙,問到: “如果開會時間到了,老闆還沒進來,會議要準時開始嗎?” 他答: “會議要準時開始,若老闆進來了,就說我們討論出這些可行方向等你決定;若開完會老闆還沒出現,就發會議紀錄給他,說因為少了你英明的帶領,我們討論了幾個方針,可是沒辦法決定。” 看來James身經百戰,我們可以跟他學學。

For our Evaluation session, John Huang evaluated Robert’s speech, he stay on the stage with confident and gave his advice logically, it was a well organize evaluation, I can hardly tell that was his first time to be IE.

2nd IE was Liwei Yu from Longtan club, he showed us some great example for use “pause”, eg. When you say “I feel silence.” You can make a pause; let audience feel silence as well. When you say ”my bag fall down from the sled..” you can make a pause to show audience how do you feel. That was a vivid demonstration for vocal variety.

I like Hecate’s style when she evaluated Mandy’s speech, for the opening she said it in a humorous way,” I think you talking about me, while you say don’t rolling down the window to receive real estate flyers”. She also show us how to rise our voice in proper tone, try to sang “ Do Ra Me Fa So….So is the most proper tone for give a speech.

We all learn a lot from our excellent IEs, no matter how hard they kick or kiss speakers’ ass.
Another useful tip from our GE Vivy, she thinks being a session master is the same as giving a speech, both include opening, body, and conclusion. Eg. In the opening, we can tell audience why do you want to do this, in the body, conduct your session, and the end, you can repeat your point, or say something encourage to everybody. Write down the scrip if you like.

最後要感謝桃園分會會長Spencer Lu來救火擔任Timer, 以及所有與會者參與分享,前會長John Lo軍旅休假抽空前來,一起在歡樂的氣氛中學習。

Meeting Awards as fallow:
The best table topic speaker goes to James,
The best session master goes to Emily and Vivy.
The best Evaluator goes to Liwei Yu,
The best speaker goes to Mandy.

My dear fellow members and guests, we will not have such a high quality meeting without your attendance, we create a great warm memory together. There is a saying, “Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together.”


For me,“Happiness is to find some club which can give you warm and share your life together.”幸福,就是找一個窩心的club分享生活點滴. Thank god, I’ve done with all my work. See you next time.

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