Early Bird Registration is NOW open! Please click on https://goo.gl/QEYFvU, scroll down the web page and select the item(s) for registration.
A letter from Trini Ding, District Director 總會長丁海華的一封信
Dear members, 親愛的會員們,
The preparation of 2017 District 67 Fall Conference is in full swing in Taipei! Whether you are from the North, Central or South, everyone has all the good reasons to come, to join and to enjoy, especially for those who have been waiting for a year!
The 2017 D67 FallCon is organized by the Program Quality Director, Simon Nash, and co-chaired by five Divisions led by Directors Sherry Dong, Rojer Chen, Mayumi Hau, Michael Ginkgo Chen and Neal Stovicek plus the Conference Chair Julia Chou. We present simply a very strong team to serve you!
今年秋季大會由總會課程品質執行長Simone Nash 悉心統籌,以及五位總監(Sherry Dong, Rojer Chen, Mayumi Hu, Michael Ginkgo Chen and Neal Stovicek) 帶領的A、 E、 G、 J 及 M 五大分部聯合籌辦;大會主席Julia Chou 為總召集人。 強大的團隊,為會員做最佳的服務。
What is 2017 District 67 Fall Conference in it for us? 參加2017年秋季大會的好處不勝枚舉,例如:
Get educated, energized and entertained by the Keynote Speaker Ed Tate, an award winning international keynote speaker, trainer, author, executive and motivational movie star! He is known as “the speaker who energizes, educates and entertains.” He was the year 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking! And he is the trainer who coached and helped Darren Tay become the 2016 World Champion of Public Speaking! 我們請到西元兩千年的世界演講比賽冠軍暨富盛名的教育訓練大師Ed Tate 做我們的專題演講及兩場教育訓練講師。會員們學習,接受激勵及享受樂趣的經驗將非筆墨所能形容。你們知道嗎?去年世界演講冠軍Darren Tay就是他訓練教導出來的!
Enrich learning experience from various education and training programs. We ensure all the trainers and speakers invited are top notch ones. 自各項教育訓練課程充實自己的學習經驗。
Enhance communication and public speaking skills by observing proficient and professional speakers. 藉觀察專業演講者的幕前幕後表現強化自己的溝通及公眾演說技巧。
Experience the excitement and overwhelming performance provided by the Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests. 體驗幽默演講及講評比賽的興奮與刺激!
Enlarge social network and expand connections by meeting Toastmasters from every corner of Taiwan and abroad. 擴大社交圈關係與人際關係!
Experience the world class Conference Center, Chang Yung-Fa Foundation CCI! …. etc. 體驗具國際規模的張榮發會議中心設備所提供的舒適、視覺享受及巨型大舞台....等等。
For the very first time, D67 provides members with the biggest stage, dynamic and tailored programs for an unforgettable and the most exciting experience and challenge! 2017 D67 Conference is an adventure for you to explore in every way! You will find it worth every minute you spend there.