YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.08.13)


Sunshine, beach, bikini. When it comes to summer, what else wonderful thing would jump to your mind? "COOL BEERS!" That's the key word to this comming meeting. Why not come to join us having beer together? Bring one of your favorite bottles, and you will be served all kinds of beer. Tell us why you like the beer or share interesting stories about it. Don’t worry, we all are light-weight drinkers. Just have toasted heart with us and get ready to kick away the hot weather in this Saturday afternoon.

YZU Toastmasters Meeting即將於8/13登場,本次例會的總主持人(Toastmasters of the Day) 是我們YZU 最辣--Jennifer Lu!! 她的meeting theme 是Beer Festival!煩請大家攜帶最喜歡的啤酒,飲料,或點心,還有杯子喔

注意:這次 8/13 會地點暫移至Wendy 家的會議室。地址是中壢市長春三路21號宜誠登峰社區,也是在內壢),該社區近內壢交流道、公園旁,路邊凡是沒有畫紅線的部份,都可以停車。

Wendy 家地圖:

Agenda :

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