YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2015.09.26)


【緊急通知】明天元智大學因為連續假期的關係不上班,教室不對外開放,我們的例會場地將移至會員Wendy 家社區的豪華室聽室,地址為:中壢市長春三路21號 (宜誠登峰社區,也是在內壢),時間仍是2:00~4:30pm,請大家明天移駕至新場地。
若有人需搭便車或不知地點需要跟車,請在電洽0952-614-788。原則上Sheila Wang會在1:35pm 於元智大學正門口等待想搭車或跟車的人,讓大家都能順利到達新會場。總會長Caroline 會由EVP Kevin Chen 前往火車站迎接。

9/26 的YZU Toastmasters Meeting 很特別,因為我們邀請到Toastmasters台灣區的總會長 Caroline Kiang,她不但來參加我們的例會,還要為大家做一場30 分鐘的Workshop -- Add Color to Your Speech,拿過3個DTM 的Caroline,要教我們如何讓演講更生動有趣。還有什麼特別的事呢?陸續揭曉...
本次例會的Toastmasters of the Day 是我們優秀的student Toastmasters, John Lo。他有感於近日美國911 事件14 周年,國外網路上許多人士熱烈討論,他也想請大家一同來關心多年前發生的大災難。他給大家的問題是:

1. Do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened?
2. What was your reaction when you saw the news?

請assignment takers 針對這兩個問題發表意見,並將答案在例會前私訊給John Lo。 

歡迎Sister Clubs 的會員也一同來參加YZU Toastmasters Meeting,聆聽Caroline 的workshop 喔!

It's our great honor to invite our District Director, Caroline Kiang, as our Workshop Trainer in the upcoming meeting. With 3 DTMs, Caroline has abundant experience in public speaking.  She brings up the rainbow analogy to shed light on how to make an excellent speech.  Please do not miss the terrific opportunity to learn from Caroline.

Our Toastmasters of the Day, John Lo, takes "9/11" as the meeting theme. Do you remember where you were when 9/11 terror attacks happened? What was your reaction when you saw the news?  Let's discuss the historical misery together.  

Meeting agenda:

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