2011.08.13 Regular Meeting Agenda


Dear YZU Toastmasters 

This Saturday we are going to have our regular meeting. This time, our Toastmaster of the day is long time no see Kevin Chu. And three excellent speakers will be Bernie, Julia and our Super Star Brian. He will tell you have to save your $$.

Furthermore, Wendy will hold Variety Session and Steven will hold Table Topics Session. This is their first time to be the session master.

I believe we will have wonderful Meeting this time. Let’s have fun together.

Our following meeting is on 8/27,9/10,9/24.
Div.E outing is on 8/20.
Div.E humorous & Evaluator workshop is on 9/17.

Rojer Chen

@學英文 @學溝通@ 學領導
快樂無痛學習 就在元智英語演講會

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