上一次 Meeting 的照片已經更新到 PICASA 了,大家可以連到 相簿 去看看,另外過去我們在YAM天空的照片也一起搬過來了喔~ var imgNum = 0; var pwaHeader = true;var albumDisplay = false;var pwaHorizontal = false; var pwaSlideShow = true; var pwaSlideSpeed = 5000; var pwaImageSize = 320; var pwaImageFeed = 20; var pwaBorder = true; var pwaBorderSize = 2; var pwaBorderColor = '#000'; var pwaCurrent = 0; var numImageSize = parseInt(pwaImageSize,10); function pwShow(root) {var feed = root.feed; var entries...
Dear toastmasters of Division E, Contest season is once again coming around the corner! Are you afraid of those trophy hunters sneaking around ? Are you ready to show us a full come back of the finals? Do you want to give all your best in front of everyone? Do you wonder how to prepare well for the humorous speech & evaluation contest ?...
在 Toastmaster 每次的會議中,有各種不同的腳色,例如主持人 Toastmaster of the day、計時員 timer、或是贅語紀錄員 ah-counter ....等。 在你擔任這些腳色的時候,是否不知道英文該怎麼說嗎?你可以在網頁上的 Document 分類中,下載相關的檔案,或是直接連結到該網頁。 ...
Dear YZU Toastmasters & Friends 這個星期六我們Meeting的地點臨時改為2館,B2 R2005教室,請參考一下地圖,不要走錯了喔~ 備註:本圖片擷取自http://www.yzu.edu.tw 官網地圖 ...
Dear members This Saturday we are going to have our regular meeting. This time, our Toastmaster of the day is Thomas. And three excellent speakers will be a lady Wendy, a FJU student Jerrel and our long time no see Kevin Chu. I believe we will have wonderful Meeting this time. Let’s have fun together. ...
Dear YZU Toastmasters YZU In-house contest is coming. This time we are going to have humorous and evaluator contest on 9/24. Before the contest, YZU & Chung Li Toastmasters Club will hold the Div.E humorous & evaluator workshop together on 9/17. In the workshop, you will learn how to prepare for humorous speech and learn some tips about being evaluator. About the workshop venue,...
Dear YZU Toastmasters This Saturday we are going to have our regular meeting. This time, our Toastmaster of the day is long time no see Kevin Chu. And three excellent speakers will be Bernie, Julia and our Super Star Brian. He will tell you have to save your $$. Furthermore, Wendy will hold Variety Session and Steven will hold Table Topics Session. This...