2011.07.09 YZU Toastmaster News Flash
22:592011.07.09 YZU Toastmaster Meeting Minutes
Summer ~ Summer ~ Summer ~
When we talk about summer, We aslo think about Beach ~ Beauty and ~ ~ Beast ... I mean myself.
Today, our meeting theme is 『Island Travel-寶島旅行』.
When summer or winter vocation comes, we usually spend lots of money to travel around the world.
We forget our beautiful hometown. "Taiwan". And today's session master will share the place they want to visit in Taiwan.
Steven Lai: He prefer to go to Green Island. Why? No hot girls , No bikini girls. Only beautiful scenery.
Mott: He wants to go to Kinmen(金門). Because he never been there before.
Bernie: He wants to go to Gongliao to see Rock Festival.
Wendy: She share the song with us. When she hear the song, she remember her childhood. When she was young, her family was not wealthy. And she worked so hard. When you are sad or disappoint, you need to change your though and attitude. And you will find a beautiful life.
Thomas: Few weeks ago, Thomas just came back from Barcelona. Today she give us some tips if you are in Barcelona, where place you must go.
Roger Du: He wants to go the place with Air conditioner. Just like "Mr. Donut". Maybe in the future, he will have a Mr. Donut Trip around the Taiwan.
Today's Best.
Best Table Topics : Frankie
Best Session Master: Bernie Hsieh
Best Evaluator: Lynn Mai
Best Speaker: Wendy Lo
After acting as a president so many times, finally, I don't need to act as a President anymore.
Today is the first meeting of my presidency through 2011 to 2012.
I announce today's meeting adjourn.
Rojer Chen
President of YZU Toastmaster 2011~2012