YZU Toastmasters Regular Meeting (2016.02.13)


Hi, there, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year.  We wish you have fruitful outcomes in the Year of Monkey!  Our Toastmasters of the Day, Hecate Lai, would like to invite you to attend the first meeting after the New Year holidays.  We have a dress code this time.  Please wear any red clothes to celebrate our new year.

Good friends from Linkou Club often visit us.  In this meeting, we're very glad to have Linkou's VIP, Richard Kuo, with us.  This is the first time he comes to YZU meeting and he'll serve as our General Evaluator.  Let's extend our warm welcome to Richard!

As Yuan Ze University is closed during the Chinese New Year, we'll have to change our venue to Wendy's home this time.  Please make sure to arrive at the right place on time.


過完新年的新春第一炮--YZU Toastmasters Meeting即將於2/13登場,本次例會的總主持人(Toastmasters of the Day) 是我們YZU 的美女台柱--Hecate Lai!! 她的meeting theme 是Chinese New Year,這次有dress code喔!dress code 是Chinese red。你心目中的Chinese red 是那一種紅色呢?請大家的衣著要選紅色或是帶點紅色喲!

注意:2/13 元智教室尚未開放,例會地點暫移至Wendy 家的會議室。地址是中壢市長春三路21號宜誠登峰社區,也是在內壢),該社區近內壢交流道、公園旁,路邊凡是沒有畫紅線的部份,都可以停車。若有不知道地點,需要搭便車或跟車者,可以聯絡0952-614-788 Sheila Wang。

Wendy 家地圖:

Tentative Agenda:

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