YZU In-House Contest--Humorous Speech & Evaluation (2015.09.12) 英文演講比賽


一年一度的秋季演講大賽就要開始囉!在上半場的幽默演講中,YZU 的會員究竟有哪幾位來搞笑?誰最具有冠軍相?下半場的評審員比賽又是誰來參加?還有友社來的target speaker 又會是誰呢?9/12 為您揭曉。

Life is more amusing than we thought.  Have you taken a close look at the humorous side of your life lately?  Our in-house humorous speech contestants would like to share their funny moments with you.  They will definitely tickle your funny bone and relax your facial muscle.  Please be aware that we won't have doctors stand by at site if you laugh so hard that your jaw drops.

Also, three contestants will compete for the first place in the evaluation contest. Who will be our secret target speaker and who's going to win? Please come and find out.

Let's enjoy the funniest Saturday afternoon together on 9/12. 


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