Division E 2015 Outing (2015.08.15) -- 相邀出遊囉!


Division E Outing 即將在八月歡樂登場!由中壢分會與元智分會共同舉辦,我們要去九斗村休閒有機農場喔!歡迎大家帶親朋好友一起來參加。

時間: 8/15日星期六 早上10:00~下午4:00
地點: 九斗村休閒有機農場
價格: 450元/成人 & 300元/小孩
活動內容: BBQ+園區參觀+大地遊戲

報名網址 : https://goo.gl/idGE8X

This Summer, Chungli & YZU Toastmasters Clubs will hold Div. E Outing at 桃園新屋 - 九斗村農場. Please invite your friends & family to come with you. We will have delicious barbecue, enjoy fun games and relax on the grass. Please come and meet new friends from our sister clubs.  Let's have fun together.

Time: August 15th, 2015 (10:00 - 16:00) 
Place: 九斗休閒農場 
Address: 桃園市新屋區九斗村4鄰5號 

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